Lent and the sacrifice i have made

Well its that time of year again,  and last year i gave up caffeine and did it no problem. This year is different. Lent started the day after pancake day. So it landed on the 18th february, and i gave up meat and sugar in brews. Now i love my sugar in brews, two in each one. And well although I dont really eat much red meat i enjoy my chicken and turkey in meals.
So day 1… my morning cup of tea made my face screw up like id just eaten a piece of lemon. It wasnt my best start of the day seeing how my caffeine fix helps me focus for the rest of my busy schedule. My meat free meal was alright although i am feeling the affects of the diet… well its not really a diet.. but my exclusion of meat. Well its a week into it, i no longer drink tea or coffee and tend to draw for a cup of horlicks or hot chocolate in the morning. I regularly search pinterest for ideas of meat free meals to shake it up. Veg risotto was my last meal,very tasty too. Im attempting cheese whirls and some vegetable curry to freeze for next week. If you want, i could write the different meals ive resorted to during lent.

Thanks for reading, please follow or like or comment. Much love


Ok so whos doing it? I must admit ive never done it before nor the elf on the shelf at christmas but this year i thought why not..lets go for it. It certainly gets you thinking how to cause mischief with plastic figures. I must say once you start your thinking if the next antics they can get up too. The childrens faces on day one was priceless.  I think they were thinking…”but i didnt put them there so how did they do that? “. Day 1 was 007 Dino gliding with them plotting to steal the hamsters food. 3 of them were holding the pterodactyl by a cable tie while it glided above the bowl. Dayv2 (tonight) they have caused mischief in the bathroom by stomping on the shaving foam nossle and fired it all around the bath. Cleaning teeth, soap and lotion are amongst the things they have destroyed. I do urge you if you have children (or not if your easily amused) i am both, to try it out and be a child again even for a month. Whats to lose?

Baby p documentary

So sad how children are slipping through the social care net. How i wish these children could be rescued and taken away from the pain they suffer at the hands of people whobare meant to protect them from danger. Things need to be done, not just when something or someone gets injured.

FCKH8’s “F-Bomb Princess” video isn’t offensive—it’s exploitative.

I have watched this video and i guess in the us they like to go extreme as it delivers the message. Uk did do a kill your speed advert but it was taken off the televisions as too many people got upset about it. Its a harsh way but its real! It happens like that so why not show others who speed. I think the video is great!

Dr. Rebecca Hains

Yesterday, for-profit T-shirt company FCKH8.com released a video called “F-Bombs for Feminism: Potty-Mouthed Princesses Use Bad Word for Good Cause.” The video features five angry girls, ages 6 to 13, who express outrage at society’s sexist treatment of girls and women while decked out in princess attire.

F-Bombs for FeminismThe video opens with the girls sweetly cooing, “Pretty!” while posing in their gowns and tiaras. But three seconds later, they switch gears and shout: “What the fuck? I’m not some pretty fuckin’ helpless princess in distress. I’m pretty fuckin’ powerful and ready for success. So what is more offensive? A little girl saying ‘fuck,’ or the fucking unequal and sexist way society treats girls and women?”

As the video progresses, the girls review the ongoing issues of inequality, systematic discrimination, and sexual violence faced by women in the U.S. They pepper these facts with more f-bombs, of course.

This combination of pretty pink princesses and relentless use of the…

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Todays church goers are slower diminishing every year, the problem is people feel that church is for strong believers and who preach the bible in all they do. The truth is,although this is the case for some that is not the case for most. Personally, i go to church for the social aspect and to hear the service.  I am a believer, not one who has believed my whole life,but when I lost my mum. I needed to turn to someone and let my anxiety,pain and frustration go. What do you think of church? Do you have faith?